Your Escape Coach Presents

Do you like carrying the emotional, physical, and spiritual weight that you’ve been bearing for so long?

If not, then join my upcoming tele-course where you will learn:

how to remove your superwoman cape and still remain powerful

how to accelerate in life and business regardless of the changes in the world

how to use various methods of decluttering to improve your life

how to create your personal escape plan

how to gain more clarity and so much more

Come and join other like-minded women who have had enough and they are saying No More!

A year ago, there were many talks of 2020 vision and what it was hoped to bring.

Remember, we kept hearing 2020 Vision quotes everywhere, right? Well, the main things hoped for were CLARITY and many blessings in 2020. However, I bet you weren’t expecting COVID19, huh?


For some it has been much needed clarity and blessings, and for others, it has brought much pain, drama, uncertainty, and confusion. All of this has equated to added WEIGHT in our lives. Regardless if you’ve gained physical quarantine weight, or if it is the added emotional weight of the stress from being an essential worker or being quarantined with family during this pandemic. It’s added weight!


You see, the year 2020 has added more clarity overall.

It has shined a light on many areas of our lives and in our world where we need more work. If this doesn’t ring true to you, then you may possibly be overwhelmed or filled with much clutter in your life- mentally, physically, or spiritually. Another word to describe it would be distractions- and distractions are also clutter. Clutter is clutter, and this is added weight!

Butterflies in the Sky

You see, we live in a society where we are conditioned to carry heavy loads and not be conscious about it. Think about the load a mother regularly carries by working a demanding job, taking care of the kids and home, managing the finances (for many), meal prep, driver for the kids’ after school activities, church or civic organizational involvement, and more. This tends to remain the same with or without a husband or life partner presence.


With this load, or weight, we are usually expected to continue to operate at peak performance. Guess what ladies? We normally do it too! We have been extraordinarily built, however, it produces this superhero effect and we become known as “strong women”- which then becomes attractive to many. This results in us women embracing this strong woman character and silently suffer as the amount of weight carried goes unnoticed by many.


I’ve been there and completely understand all about the added weight. As a plus sized woman, I’ve struggled with weight loss all of my life, however, in 2020 I’ve managed to lose nearly 50lbs and I’ve been able to keep it off by simply being intentional about the things that weigh me down. I did this during a pandemic before I started incorporating exercises. I also didn’t use any special weight loss pills or surgery. I was also under an extreme amount of stress during that time.


My main issue has been the amount of stress I’ve carried for so many years. The pressure I’ve endured for an extended amount of time is added stress.


Continuing with the legacy of the Super Woman syndrome where I felt I needed to be everything, to everyone, everywhere, and at the same time was also added stress.


I naturally carry heavy loads- as I am what would be characterized as a “high-achieving woman”. So, normally, what would be a regular day for me, would be super chaotic for others who aren’t high-achievers. Therefore, the things that tend to overwhelm me are things that would likely destroy others who aren’t of a high-achieving status.


Trust that I never aspired to be this way. It’s just the way God made me. We are all uniquely wired, just as we are uniquely wired to carry our weight differently.


The added stress/weight becomes unbearable and it causes a ripple effect in your life, your job, or in your business.

If you can relate to my words, then it’s likely that you are also a “Super Woman” or a “High-Achieving Woman”.


Well, I don’t have time to be stuck, nor do I have time to walk around in bitterness, anger, and resentment. Also, I don’t have time for illness and foolishness- neither do you.

Join the movement and let’s say Enough is ENOUGH.

For the past couple of years, I’ve been decreasing and eliminating the added stress in my life.


I’ve said No More to people pleasing,


I’ve said No More to being walked over and disrespected,


I’ve said No More to carrying other people’s loads while they sit and watch me struggle with it,


I’ve said No More to ingesting the things of this world that bring me down and take away my energy- like toxic people and things.

Happy Woman

I invite you to join the movement of women removing the added weight of their Super Woman capes for more clarity and freedom in their lives.

Always remember, you absolutely cannot heal the world until you first heal yourself.

In order to do that, you must start with simply saying “No More”.

Host & Trainer


Suprena Hickman is the founder and CEO of Suprena Hickman Enterprises- which consists of four divisions: Your Escape Coach- which is a personal development and wellness company focusing on self-care, Escapes In A Box, SHE Wellness(Escape 2 Sisterhood, Girls Rocking In The South) and Sweet Escapes By Suprena.


Suprena understands what it looks and feels like being in toxic environments and relationships. Therefore, she has a passion for helping women and teen girls heal from the emotional wounds endured during their journey. She helps them remove the obstacles preventing them from getting to the next level in their personal life or their business. She also loves building up their self-esteem. She does this through coaching, private retreats, and workshops.

Tuesday, November 3rd, 10th and 17th | 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Register by: November 2, 2020 

Your release is only a click away!

Just click below to join the movement and let’s #HealAlready!

The investment for the No More WEIGHTing teleclass is $197.00 paid in full.

If you are ready to reclaim your peace and are ready to do the work to heal, register today!

You deserve the love you keep trying to give everyone else! 

It’s time to lighten that load and invest in you right now.

No More WEIGHTing is a 3-part series tele-course designed to help relieve you of the excess clutter in your life so that you can gain more clarity and freedom to create and accelerate in your personal life and business.

It is designed with a sense of community, privacy, and healing in mind. After completing this course, you will walk away with the necessary tools to help you release the added weight you’ve been carrying emotionally, physically, and spiritually.


Why No More WEIGHTing

It Hurts to Let Go, but sometimes it hurts more to hold on.
So, TODAY, we are saying ENOUGH ALREADY!
No More of secretly living in anger and frustrations over our past or current hurts.
No More of beating yourself up over past failures.
No More of trying to please everybody!
No More of the subconscious acts of tit-for-tats!
No More of connecting with the wrong folks who don’t mean you any good!

Enough is ENOUGH!!!

Payment In Full Registration

~~~ Refund Policy ~~~

This teleclass is NON-REFUNDABLE. Refunds will not be granted under any circumstances.

First payment is due by November 2nd with the remaining payment(s) due weekly before each class.

copyright 2020 Suprena Hickman Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.